Evo, sem se "mal potrudu" in sem spodaj naredil prevod omenjenega intervjuja iz italijanš?ine v angleš?ino s pomo?jo enega od prevajalnikov, ki se jih dobi na spletu. Sam sem sicer na hitro preletel tekst in se mi zdi, da je še kar smiselno preveden. Je pa res, da ne znam italijanš?ine in ?e opazite v tekstu kakršnekoli napake nesmiselnega prevoda, jih prosim sporo?ite ter se za njih tudi opravi?ujem.
Two interviews -- of Igor Zamberlan In occasion of the recent one show of Lubiana... We recommence: I have lacked the occasion to go to the recent one show of Lubiana to the last moment, for others and intransgressible engagements, than null they have to that to make with the aifai. But I had a pair of appointments with two constructors (thanks to the auspices of their Italian distributor, Audio Lyric). One is famous practically to all those that take delight in of analogic, the other is still little famous here from we, but it seems to have stoffa. Draft of Dejan Nikic, the mind behind the brand NAT, Audio Nikic Team, that it constructs one series of most interesting and innovative electronic valvolari. Franc Kuzma
IZ: It seems to me that in the Kuzma production they are produced to us that they use various principles, some record players are suspended, others are rigid. An arm is unipivot, others is to bearings, then is the Air Linens that are a tangential one to air. It seems that the approach is much open, insomma. Six "not married" to a single type of plan. But which are the processes that carry to the various ones chosen? The idea is that one of the best solution to a data level of price?
FK: They said that the idea is that one. The lowlands of a record player rigid logon between the hinge of the plate and the arm is one. This dev' to be the how much most possible one isolated from the external vibrations, like is the noise of the motor, the acoustic feedback, all the coming from structural vibrations from the surrounding atmosphere. One of the approaches is that one to use a system that filters, like that one with suspension and mass, that it filters the vibrations until to around its frequency of resonance. For the better isolation, the frequency of the lowest resonance dev' to be possible, we say around to the 2-3 Hz, that it is not easy to obtain maintaining the stability. To dampen helps, but the sensibility of the system increases. At the same time, we must make to turn the plate, connecting the motor. If we mount it on the same base of the hinge and of the arm, we introduce the vibration of the motor in the system. If we mount the motor separately, we avoid the vibrations, but we introduce one bad dynamics transmission of the movement with the strap. Therefore the task of the planner is that one of sccegliere the construction and like resolving these problems in practical. Sure, I use it of the properly distributed mass is a good approach. But it must make it so that the used material does not become sensitive, does not pick up vibrations. As an example, if a thin shelf is used and rigid and then us arm and hinge are mounted over, when test to strike itself on it, begins to vibrate -- and this means undesirable movements between stilo and furrows. At the same time, that shelf picks up vibrations from the outside. But if a full and rigid bar is used, like in our small record player, one finds to us with something that it is to the contempo rigid and decidedly immune to the external vibrations. The idea has come to me to the half of years ' 90 -- I do not know because it has not come to me before... The lack of a suspension is also the better solution for those sistemazioni in which the pavements they are unstable, flettono or is sensitive to the step of the persons. Intuitivamente, this could seem a controsenso. The problem is that the vibrations would not never come dampened and therefore the system could oscillate to along -- often forgets that it is the arm that is not stable how much the rest, and therefore it stretches to jump outside from furrows. Here the damping of the arm can come in aid. Therefore, for the more economic record player, it arranges rigid not suspended. For the more expensive models, suspension with high damping and for top the high mass -- than coast, like the machinery of precision. But a lot will depend on the pavement and the table on which the record player it will be put. Arms: simplest it is the unipivot, can be made in excellent way to reduced costs. The bearings are not easy to use, but an arm is obtained that it does not oscillate horizontally, as instead they make the unipivot. The suspension to air, if it comes done good, is expensive because they serve compressed air and filters, but is more rigid than whichever other thing and is without clutch. Naturally, with every approach many beloveds or many economic can themselves be made objects. But I try to always plan so that every our product has the better relationship quality possible price.
IZ: Multiple motors. Mark di Audio Lyric (the Italian distributor) has spoken to me about the new version to four motors of the XL. There are persons who think that the multiple motors are the solution and ce they are some that they think that more motors wants to say more problems. According to costoro, the motors would give to annoyance one with the other, causing speed instability and increasing the noise. My personal experience with the Stabi Reference, that it has two motors, is that the instability is not a problem (and the unstable speed gives much annoyance to me). The ideas of those who criticize the multiple motors are lacking in foundation or use particular techniques?
FK: I could begin with one battered: the motors of the automobiles are sweeter in the distribution if they have more cylinders. Yes, the single cylinder one is simpler, but more cylinders give to sweeter power and greater brace, always. As you know, all the electric motors ruotano and in one spin (360 degrees) of a rotor, the power not there à always all. In some point there is one pushed, and then there is an interruption, and therefore it is like if the spin it were impressa in discontinuous way, push-button. Sure a heavy plate has of inertia, that it compensates this. But, second theory, if we stop the rotatorio moment on a plate that turns, however will begin to slow down its spin. Not a lot, obviously, and cannot be measured easy. But it thinks if this happens in the moment in which the testina it reads the played beginning of a famous one from a low acoustic. It will distort. Not, not in the sense that will slow down, but in the sense that the attack and its harmonicas will be distorted. It thinks if it happens in means of growing orchestrale. Music will not play slow, but we will feel the single instruments with greater difficulty, various from as we feel them from the alive one. Naturally, the rest of the system, in order to feel this, dev' to be to the height. Therefore, the more motor it means more impulse, little interruptions in one spin of the plate, traction of the more uniform plate, therefore little rallentamenti. Test also to think that two various motors work in accidental way from the point of view of the impulse, that it is best respect to have them sincronizza to you. Therefore some factors must be control to you with precision, others instead are less important.
IZ: And what tasks of the new big wave of record players that use the magnetic transmission between motor and plate? And, already that there are, of pulley and direct traction?
FK: The magnetic traction has, second me, likenesses with the traction to strap. In every case, motivating force between motor and plate is one. As you know, if you have two magnets you have also of possible the elastic movement between they. In practical it is like are made the electric motors. If you hold with two magnets, and tests to put two equal poles attack to you, it finds that it is much difficult one to approach them. The directions move in all, and feel one species of motivating force. The same one happens if you put with the two opposite poles, has the tendency to attrarsi, is much difficult one to hold them to one fixed distance. If it watches the magnetic hinges, you see that a some system serves you servant in order to maintain the centratura. Therefore, also not having tried in practical, creed that is a problem of control, and feedback from the plate to the motor, that it must react to the demands for spin in every moment. And the motor and like having one is easier to preview like a strap filters the vibrations sweet spin to comparison of the magnetic connection or the direct traction. In order not to speak about the magnetic field in proximity of that one of the testina, or the effects of the field on the same motor. And of the possible induction on the wiring of the arm. The pulley sure is a more rigid pilotage of the plate, and is similar to the traction with the magnetic tape. But creed that is problematic much to obtain one the precisest and sweet traction, constant in every moment. The best control systems to direct traction are almost continuous and however it gives same the impulses. The best controls are in a position to controlling the pilotage 15000 times for spin, but alone they cost more than 10.000 Euro. Creed that the vibration of motor the arrivals to the plate, and that constant and sweet spin is more difficult to have one all the time with one pulley or the direct traction [ regarding the strap ]. A point is which is the used technology, an other point is com' is put in practical -- in the practical execution the real advantages and disadvantages can only be judged.
IZ: "the LP is returned" or "the rebirth of the analogic one". E' truth (that is you have had an increment of sales lately) or -- not being never died -- the LP cannot "rinascere"?
FK: Sure there is greater interest today towards the LP of how much ce was some year makes. They demonstrate to the greater number of constructors and the quality, today better, of the products. We of Kuzma are content of the fact who we are maintaining and also improving our position like one of the constructors top of record player and arms.
IZ: You have never considered to expand your production to others you leave of the chain hi-fi? Creeds in an approach specialized to the planning and the construction? It seems me to understand that you are also distributing, in Slovenia, of other Marches...
FK: We are a lot taken from ours puts into effect them production, and we are preparing of the innovationes in the field of the record players for the next years. To add various, diffusing or electronic products, means to have to add deep, plants of production, and probably to come down to compromises on our products puts into effect them. But perhaps, goodness knows, in future, something could even come outside. We have cut the number of marks enough that we distribute in Slovenia, today we have little marks selects to you. We make by now for passion, a po' like high fidelity in himself.
IZ: Large thanks for these interesting reflections. I add that it will arrive, to the next year, a new arm, much particular one, that it would have to become part between the Stogi Reference and the Air Linens. The little advances that I have collected make me to think next to something a lot, a lot interesting.