Angleška revija HIFI+ AWARDS 2008:
Na sejmu v Londonu smo prejeli priznanje za Proizvod leta 2008 ( skupno je bilo podeljeno 12 priznanj v vseh avdio kategorijah) kot eden izmed najbolj inovativnih izdelkov, ki premikajo meje reprodukcije iz vinilnih plošč, je bilo obrazloženo ob podelitvi priznanja za ročico
Kuzma 4Point.
PS: po spominu so bili tam poleg novinarjev seveda še predstavniki firm Zanden, Nordost,Crystal Cable, Kef, Wilson-Benesch,Thorens,... ki so prejeli priznanja za svoje izdelke.
PS:Obrazložitev v angl:
It’s not often a genuinely innovative tonearm appears; it’s not often that a tonearm
redefi nes our expectations of record replay. For the two things to happen
simultaneously is almost unheard of, yet that’s exactly what the Kuzma 4POINT
has achieved. A carefully considered amalgamation of all that’s great and good in
existing, pivoted designs, combined with Kuzma’s own innovative, hybrid bearing
design. The Kuzma arms have never been short on practicality or the ability to
optimize cartridge geometry, but the 4POINT takes that to new levels, adding
cartridge interchangability and independent horizontal and vertical damping to
the company’s superb VTA adjuster and the best azimuth adjustment out there.
But it’s listening with the 4POINT that makes you realize just how special it
is. With improvements in the low-frequency performance of the best modern
loudspeaker systems threatening to expose a lack of tone and shape to
analogue’s nether regions, the latest Kuzma arm steps forward with the best
control of pace, defi nition, texture and bass transparency that we’ve experienced,
a quality that underpins the performance as a whole, injecting presence, life and
energy into the beautifully stable and richly shaded soundstage. Big and bold,
with tremendous impact when called for, the 4POINT does small and intimate too.
A consummate musical all-rounder, the Kuzma signifi cantly raises the analogue
bar; the resulting scrabble to overhaul it is a delicious prospect indeed!
Price: £3950 UK Distributor: Audiofreaks Ltd.
(44)(0)20 8948 4153
Manufacturer: Kuzma Ltd.
Reviewed by Roy Gregory
Pa še slika z podelitve dne 19.9.08 v Londonu:
Urednik revije "
HIFI+" Roy Gregory in FK.