avdio-sem so premaknjene tudi vse stare teme

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Pe Jan 05, 2007 9:31 am

CES 2007: Na Enjoythemusic pisec S. Rochlin običajno sproti- vsak dan piše kaj je videl na sejmu. Za začetek je najava oz. PreShow report:

Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a fotr » Pe Jan 05, 2007 10:16 am

Ali gre kdo v Milano? Mene mika pa bi rad vedel ali je en dan dovolj?Pa kakšen nasvet od tistih, ki ste že bili bi bil tudi dobrodošel
Prispevkov: 346
Pridružen: Pe Feb 18, 2005 10:37 am
Kraj: Škrilje vas nad Igom

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Pe Jan 05, 2007 10:39 am

V večini primerov se je hodilo na TOP SHOW v Sep. v Milano za en dan. Tako, da tudi za ta obisk je dovolj en dan. Toda potrebno je zgodaj vstati.
Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Pe Jan 05, 2007 1:00 pm

Še zanimivost kaj je bilo prvič prikazano na CES sejmih skozi zgodovino- letos je 40tič:

The first CES took place in New York City in June of 1967 with 200 exhibitors and 17,500 attendees. Since then, CES has grown more than eleven-fold. Nearly 2,700 exhibitors, filling 1.6 million net square feet of exhibit space, showcased their latest products and services to more than 140,000 attendees at the 2006 International CES.

Products That Debuted at CES:

Videocassette Recorder (VCR), 1970
Hard-disc VCR (PVR), 1999
Laserdisc Player, 1974
Digital Audio Radio (DAR), 2000
Camcorder, 1981
Microsoft Xbox, 2001
Compact Disc Player, 1981
Plasma TV, 2001
Digital Audio Technology, 1990
Home Media Server, 2002
Compact Disc - Interactive, 1991
HD Radio, 2003
Mini Disc, 1993
Blu-Ray DVD, 2003
Radio Data System, 1993
HDTV PVR, 2003
Digital Satellite System, 1994
HD Radio, 2004
Digital Versatile Disk (DVD), 1996
IP TV, 2005
High Definition Television (HDTV), 1998
An explosion of digital content services, 2006

Podatki so z njihove uradne strani!
Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Sr Jan 17, 2007 4:03 pm

Nekaj linkov na reportaže iz CES 2007:

Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Če Jan 18, 2007 9:10 am

še ena reportaža iz Vegasa:

in še ena z veliko slikami:
Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Ne Jan 21, 2007 3:53 pm

Še nekaj komentarjev o CES 2007- predvsem za tiste "avdiofile", ki si mislijo, da se vse, kar se dogaja o avdiju, dogaja na webu in ne v resni?nem avdio svetu- npr vsaj na avdio sejmih:

Nekaj misli o CES speciality audio 2007:

Neil Gader: Aerial Acoustics
There was a backlog of great sound at this year’s show probably due in part to the superior construction of the Venetian itself. At the stellar end of the audio spectrum I was fond of the soundstage and dimensionality of the VTL/Avalon Eidolon partnership, the dynamics and punch of the new TAD Reference I and the grand scale of the Nagra/ Verity Audio Lohengrin II combo. But it was the latest version of the Aerial Acoustics 20T with dual SW12 subwoofers and driven by Ayre electronics that turned the sonic hat-trick combining poise, polish and punch in a lustrous silver lacquer package that even Dave Wilson might admire.

Wayne Garcia:
Hmm… lots, actually. A partial list of runners up (and these are just for loudspeakers): Gershman’s outstanding $30,000 Black Swan; MAGICO’s brand new and most excellent $22,000 V3 (especially on Day Four, when VAC’s Phi 300.1 amp was added to the mix); Kharma’s revamped and sublime sounding Midi Exquisite ($75k), MBL’s always superb 101 E ($49k); JBL’s astonishingly beautiful sounding and very cool looking $70k Everest horn system, a modern-day take on the company’s past-glorious designs; Sonus Faber’s fabuloso $20,000 Elipsa, and Quad’s lovely 2905 ($11,500).

Jim Hannon: Kimber/SoundLab & Verity Audio
Two large, expensive speaker systems, and one smaller one, put the performers in the room. The gargantuan SoundLab ProStat 922 with two 9-foot panels per side, at a cost of $15K per panel, were producing beautiful, effortless, and natural sound on a variety of specially recorded four-channel IsoMike recordings. A much more reasonably sized and beautifully finished loudspeaker, Verity Audio’s new Lohengrin II (starting at $67,995) driven by Nagra electronics, produced sound that had everything you’d want: a holographic soundstage, reach-out-and-touch-it transparency, awesome dynamics, and sonic realism. It made me dream about winning the lottery. Lastly, the Quad ESL-2805 system described above sounded so natural I could have listened to it all day. That’s what Ella’s voice and Coleman’s sax are supposed to sound like.

Robert Harley: Kimber/SoundLab, Spectral & Magico
All the best sounds at the show shared a commonality; the signal source wasn’t CD, except in the case of the Spectral SDR-4000 Pro. The best sounds were Ray Kimber’s four-channel Soundlab system fed from a DSD master recording; the Spectral system mentioned above (which wasn’t fully dialed-in when I heard it); and the Magico Model 6 loudspeaker fed from a 15ips analog tape machine. Overall, I have to pick the Model 6 for its stunningly low coloration, spectacular dynamic behavior, coherence, and lifelike immediacy. The Model 6 might be a breakthrough in dynamic loudspeaker design.

Chris Martens: JBL & MBL
Because my time at CES focused on all things audio, I had little time to check out demonstrations that emphasized video image quality. But in the audio realm, my findings were as follows:
Music-oriented stereo systems: A two-way tie between the JBL Project Everest horn-loaded speaker system and the formidable, omni-directional MBL 101x loudspeaker system from Germany. Both speakers are extremely expensive (around $60-70k/pair for the JBLs, and price TBD--but far north of $100k/pair--for the MBLs), but offered sound quality that was to die for. Multi-purpose, multi-channel systems: My top choice would be the same Phase Technology dARTS (digital audio reference theater system) 525 system that will be reviewed in The Perfect Vision issue 76. At CES the self-powered, DSP-controlled, room EQ’d system offered astonishing performance, demonstrating once again its unparalleled ability to achieve great sound and a giant "sweet spot" in real-world listening rooms.

Alan Taffel: Kimber/SoundLabs, Hansen Audio, & CES
Three views. I have split my best sound award into three sub-categories: the impractical, the practical, and the commercial.

Winning for best, albeit impractical sound, was the Kimber/SoundLabs room. There, Ray Kimber played the modern equivalent of master tapes -- in this case, raw DSD of his own recordings straight from the hard drive -- through a quartet of SoundLabs ProStat 22's. The speakers, consisting of two monstrous panels in each room corner, were gigantic even by SoundLabs standards. But then, they were designed to be used in public spaces rather than in the home. The only normal equipment in the room were the Pass 350X amps and the Meitner SACD and multichannel electronics.

So, you can't have this system -- heck, the speakers alone would crowd you out of your own listening room! But if you could, you would realize just how "hi fi" virtually everything else sounds. Through this system, the sense of actually being in the recording space was overpowering. The sound was stunningly natural. And unlike virtually every other system I've heard, the venue was not presented as a weak afterthought to the primary musicians. Here, the two were integrated, exactly as they are at a real concert, thus making for a truly convincing mirage.

I will say that the ProStat's could not plumb the very deepest depths, but with the other amazing things this system was doing, that hardly mattered.

As for a system one could actually buy, I was most impressed with the Hansen Emperor, a $49,000 version of the mighty Kings, driven by CAT electronics and an AudioAero Prestige CD player. The latter had reliability issues throughout the show, so some listeners may have heard this system with a significantly inferior front end. But when the Prestige was in the system, the Emperors came into their own.

I was most struck by the way the large speakers competely -- and I do mean completely -- disappeared. This is a difficult feat for 3-ways to pull off, but these Hansens are coherent to perfection. Although bass was boomy, as it was pretty much everywhere in the Venetian, overall timbres were the complete and realistic I heard at the show, and rhythms were likewise admirable. Vocals were exceedingly natural as well, with no grit or glare.

My commercial sound award occurred away from CES itself. Yet I must report that some of the best sound I heard during my stay in Vegas was at the Cirque du Soleil Beatles show, Love. The Love Theater was intricately designed to give every single seat a terrific sonic experience, and boy did it deliver. The sound's scale was gargantuan, yet every instrument was clear and imaging was precise. The top was clear and the bass was thunderous. Never have I experienced a commercial sound system of this quality. The music isn't too shabby either. Anyone self-respecting audiophile visiting this city owes themselves a ticket to this stupendous show
Back to the top

Zvok Sound Labs sem slišal in je bil impresiven, ?eprav mogo?e ne tako kot bi si želel in zvok Verity zvo?nikov mi je zelo pohvalil znanec , ki vem , da sliši dobro, navkljub temu, da zastopa te zvo?nike za Nem?ijo.

Ampak konsistento, se npr. te dve sobi omenjata povsod!
Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a jaka1s » Po Jan 22, 2007 2:41 pm


Najprej bi pozdravil vse uporabnike foruma, kajti sem nov član na vašem forumu, v preteklosti sem ga samo prebiral.

Tudi sam sem bil letos v Las Vegasu, kjer sem razstavil avto, ki je bil izdelan v Sloveniji. Avto je bil predstavljen na razstavnem prostoru znamke DLS.
Nažalost nisem imel časa, da bi prišel pozdravit g. Kuzmo v Venetian, kajti sem bil preveč zaposlen na sejmu (demo all the time).

Malo slik za ogled:





lep pozdrav

jaka seles
Prispevkov: 2
Pridružen: So Jan 20, 2007 11:18 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a ak » To Jan 23, 2007 7:25 am


Sicer o predelavi avtov ne vem čisto nič, vendar...a se da ta stvar tud vozit? Mislim po cesti, kot normalen avto? Al je bolj namenjena stojnicam na sejmih?

Priznam, da na avte sam gledam bolj iz uporabnega vidika in MNOGO manj iz vidika dobrega zvoka (ker me glasna glasba med vožnjo moti), tako da se mi pri takem avtu porajajo vprašanja tipa: "Kam daš pa gajbo pira, ko greš iz štarcune?" Ja, ja, vem...za to so drugi avti. Samo da nimam gnarja za veliko število avtov :cry:

Sicer pa čestitam za evropski naslov. Kakšni so bili pa kaj odzivi obiskovalcev na CES-u? A "najboljši v Evropi" v Ameriki kaj pomeni? Al gledajo zviška na staro celino?
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 161
Pridružen: Po Mar 21, 2005 7:29 am
Kraj: Novo mesto

OdgovorNapisal/-a fotr » To Jan 23, 2007 7:59 am

Tole gre pa naprej že, če odpreš vrata in poslušaš bolj glasno, a ne?
Svaka čast, da si si privoščil izlet v Vegas z avtom!
Sam sem sicer na nivoju, ko v glavnem poslušam poročila, pa tu pa tam kakšen Cd.
Prispevkov: 346
Pridružen: Pe Feb 18, 2005 10:37 am
Kraj: Škrilje vas nad Igom

OdgovorNapisal/-a jaka1s » To Jan 23, 2007 11:53 am


avto ne igra naglas, temvec je narejen za sound quality, glasba se poslusa tako naglas kot doma.

Američani so bili zelo presenečeni nad vozilom, naslov evropskega prvaka v ameriki zelo veliko pomeni, praktično tako kot evropski izdelki v ameriki.

z avtom se da vozit normalno, vendar se z njim ne vozimo dosti kajti je večino časa po sejmih. V marcu bo predstavljen na Švedskem, v aprilu v Nemčiji, nato pa pride spet nazaj v Slovenijo, takrat ga boste lahko slisali.

Lp Jaka
Prispevkov: 2
Pridružen: So Jan 20, 2007 11:18 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a powermax » Sr Jan 24, 2007 8:53 am

[quote="administrator"]V večini primerov se je hodilo na TOP SHOW v Sep. v Milano za en dan. Tako, da tudi za ta obisk je dovolj en dan. Toda potrebno je zgodaj vstati.

Vprašanje z majhno zamudo - ali prav razumem, da je milanski sejem dvakrat letno? Je kakšna razlika med prvim in drugim?
Prispevkov: 20
Pridružen: Po Maj 30, 2005 7:44 am

OdgovorNapisal/-a powermax » Sr Jan 24, 2007 2:43 pm

[quote="powermax"][quote="administrator"]V večini primerov se je hodilo na TOP SHOW v Sep. v Milano za en dan. Tako, da tudi za ta obisk je dovolj en dan. Toda potrebno je zgodaj vstati.

Vprašanje z majhno zamudo - ali prav razumem, da je milanski sejem dvakrat letno? Je kakšna razlika med prvim in drugim?

Se opravičujem za "smetenje", bolje je treba pogledati - marca je v Rimu!

Prispevkov: 20
Pridružen: Po Maj 30, 2005 7:44 am
Na vrh

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Sr Jan 24, 2007 4:04 pm


Feb Milano- two channel only
Mar Rim- TOP AUDIO- prvič enak sejem kot stalni Sep. v Milanu
Okt. Rim- two channel only- točen datum trenutno ne vem.

Eno je Feb Milano in jeseni Rim, kjer je organizator

drugo pa je sejem , ki zajema avdio in video in poteka že več desetletij v Milanu v Septembru in bo letos prvič južneje:

Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Če Jan 25, 2007 5:45 pm

Še nekaj slikic iz Las Vegasa- The SHOW 2007:

Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm


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