Na TNT lahko preberete test Dynavector odj. doze XV-1:
Tu spodaj je del?ek testa, kjer za spremembo celo tester ugotavlja, da nima dovolj dober sistem, da bi ugotovil kako resni?no dobra glava je to in kako težko posluša Cd player. Toda žal ne uspemo ugotoviti, kako to vpliva na njegove ostale ocene-lahko si le mislimo:
At one and the same time this has been one of the most sublime and frustrating items I have ever had in my system. My own system has a warm balance which I counter with a bright cartridge, the slightly warm DRT rather overdid things at times (not the DV-1's fault),
but there was no doubt at any time that my system was barely scratching at the surface of the DV-1's capabilities. My front end of Orb/SME IV was certainly up to the job as were my Audion valve amps (I had another hi-end job on test at the time to compare with), speakers? the IPL S3MTL's though good were too warm, the Cabasse Sloops a better balance, but I found myself cursing a room that crippled the last degree of imaging.
To get the best from such a set-up you need a divorce, lose the kids and start structural modifications to produce the perfect listening room. In my case the arrival of a big red velvet curtain and speakers half way up the room nearly produced the desired effect (divorce etc), but in the end I decided to stop trying to force the issue and listen to what the cartridge could do in my flawed environment...
One other serious drawback for me was the way it matched with CD.
My own player is a Micromega Solo, hardly entry level, yet it sounded thin, weak and harsh in comparison. The huge solid soundstage left the Solo sounding very much like hi-fi rather than music. During the test period of one month I doubt if I listened to more than half a dozen Cd's.If you run a two-source system you're going to find it very, very difficult to find a CD player that will match the powerful natural bass, the lack of distortion, the 'you are there' imaging and the detailed sound that the DV-1 produces. In this I fear the DV-1 requires commitment to a vinyl front end, leaving the CD for "background music" or for those moments when too much wine means risking wiping over a grands worth of diamond off a sliver of Boron..."