Napisal/-a kuzma2 » Po Jun 27, 2005 1:01 pm
iPOD vs BH
FK se izogiba dolo?enim debatam na forumih zato, ker se z lažmi in izmišljotinami raznih umotvornikov ne ukvarjam.
Da pa bi se vedela resnica o temi, ki je na » bh « forumu že od septembra 2004 v zvezi z mojim gramofonom Stabi reference in primerjavi proti iPOD, pa o »tem dogodku » tole, spodaj citirano iz THE ABSOLUTE SOUND št. 147 ( April-May 2004), kjer Robert Harley- urednik revije TAS, v obširni reportaži iz CES 2004 na strani 52, piše o Wilson sistemu in zanimivi primerjavi Wilson zvo?nika SOPHIA z konkure?nim zvo?nikom ob uporabi iPODa , seveda brez analogije, ter opisom sistemov :
Robert Harley tekst:
»Finally, I will tell you about an unprecedented form of hi-fi show demo: a direct comparison between the exhibiting manufacture's loudspeaker with that of a competitor. Wilson Audio set up its Sophia loudspeaker(USD 11.700) next to a major competitor's somewhat more expensive ( USD 16.000 pair) loudspeakers. Measurements of the two loudspeakers made in the demo room were provided, along with each speaker's anechoic response, showing that both loudspeakers' in room performance was correct and representative. A Krell KPS-25S CD player/linestage ( USD 25.000) appeared to be the signal source for both amplifiers.
We heard several pieces of music switched between the two loudspeakers. It was't even a close call; the Wilson sounded far better in every possible way. After about ten minutes of listening, Dave Wilson revealed the amplifier driving each loudspeaker- a USD 7.000 Krell on the competing speaker, and a USD 1000 Parasound powering the Wilson. The signal source for the competing speaker was the Krell KPS-25S and for the Wilson, the signal source was … an Apple iPOD-connected by RadioShack patch cords, no less!
Wilson's point was not to disparage the competing loudspeaker, but to demonstrate to retailers and distributors that a customer with USD 15.000 budget is better served by selling him USD 11.700 loudspeakers ( made by Wilson, of of course) and working with the customer's existing electronics( or selling him moderately priced electronics that can be upgraded later) than by suggesting that four-figure loudspeaker cables are a necessary part of a high-performance music system. The demo was also designed to demonstrate that loudspeakers are the most important link in the reproduction chain, and that system budgets should be more heavily weighted toward them.«
Konec citata. Mislim, da veliki ve?ini prevod ni potreben.
O?itno Kuzma gramofona v tej sobi ni bilo! Nikjer ne omenja niti dveh Wilson sistemov.