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Re: LJUBLJANA-The Multimeda Show Audio&Video 2006

OdgovorNapisal/-a VCC » Pe Jun 02, 2006 2:28 pm

[quote="administrator"]LJUBLJANA 2006:


M Hotel 6-8 oktober 2006

Upam, da bo imel vsaj do drugega leta avdio sejem krajši naziv.

Ljudje moji, a se zavedate, da bo v soboto, 7. oktobra POLNA LUNA?
Prispevkov: 328
Pridružen: Ne Mar 13, 2005 5:28 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a fotr » Po Jun 05, 2006 12:02 pm

In kaj ima polna luna s tem? Nekatere je tako ali tako vsako leto malce "odnašalo" ne glede na luno.
Kar pa zadeva naslov mislim, da glede na ogromno količino angleško govorečih obiskovalcev, pač moramo slovenčki malce potrpeti
Prispevkov: 346
Pridružen: Pe Feb 18, 2005 10:37 am
Kraj: Škrilje vas nad Igom

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Po Jun 05, 2006 2:23 pm

HE 2006 tukaj so prve slike in vtisi iz reportaž Positive Feedback revije iz sejma v Los Angelesu zadnji vikend:

poglej do dna strani:

Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » To Jun 06, 2006 5:41 am

SIXmoon reportaža: Munchen 2006 Za tiste, ki tam niste bili:

Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » To Jun 06, 2006 8:28 pm

HE 2006 LOS ANGELES: Mnogo slik na Audio Federation reportaži:

Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Ne Avg 20, 2006 6:53 am

SLOVENSKI HI FI SEJEM na kateremo bo vse, kar je pomembno na področju avdia in videa bo:

6-8 OKTOBER 2006




Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a Marko Puš » Če Avg 31, 2006 9:59 am

MILANO TOP AUDIO bo letos od 14. do 17. septembra (od 9.30 do 19. ure). v Atahotel Quark, Via Lampedusa 11/a.
Marko Puš

OdgovorNapisal/-a klekovaca » Po Sep 11, 2006 3:51 pm

Pa se link
Prispevkov: 4
Pridružen: Ne Sep 10, 2006 8:05 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Po Sep 11, 2006 4:08 pm


Hotel Sheraton 27-29.10.2006
Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Če Sep 14, 2006 5:05 am

Malce zgodaj, pa vendar:

HIFI & VIDEO MUNCHEN 17-20.5.2007 ( MOC)
Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Pe Sep 15, 2006 6:16 am


Isto?asno poteka tudi The Home Entertainement Show.
Pismo, ki piše o nekaterih novostih na tem sejmu: glej novico o subwooferju ,ki gre skoraj do O Hz:

Dear Kuzma Franc,

Eminent Technology - http://www.eminent-tech.com - introduces its new
rotary infrasonic subwoofer, the TRW-17 at The Home Entertainment Show
in Denver during CEDIA:

Want to hear what 5Hz sounds like? A new woofer technology unlike any
other that creates a new product category for home theater. This is
the first subwoofer delivering true response to DC. A missing link in
sound reproduction... the Thigpen Rotary Woofer is the worlds first
true *infrasonic* home audio or home theater woofer.

Experience special effects like never before. If you want to hear and
feel the 4-5 hertz fundamental frequency from a helicopter rotor, the
low frequency rumble of wind, the space of a concert hall or
infrasonic information contained in an explosion, this is the only
woofer technology available.

- - - - - -

The large CEDIA convention opens this week in Denver, Colorado. On
the miles of convention floor you will find every home theater device
known to man. But if you want to HEAR home theater at its finest, it
will be right next door at T.H.E. Show. The Home Entertainment Show,
based in Las Vegas brings its unique style of convention presentation
to Denver at the same time CEDIA displays at the Colorado Convention
Center. While CEDIA takes over most of downtown, T.H.E. Show, with
its distinctive collection of high end audio and home theater
displays will be right next door at the Denver Athletic Club - one
block southeast of the main entrance of the Convention Center on 14th
street. Experience high-end as it was meant to be enjoyed: in elegant,
lush, wood-paneled spaces and turn of the century construction. Each
live demonstration is presented with precise attention to acoustic
considerations... just as you would do in your home.

The list of impressive companies exhibiting at T.H.E. Show Denver
includes some of the finest and most well established companies in
high-end, as well as some exciting newcomers. Among those exhibiting
are Arcici Stands; Audio Research; Balanced Audio Technology; Cardas
Audio Ltd; Computerized Loudspeaker Labs; Conrad Johnson; Delta Sigma
Electronics; Elite Audio Video; Eminent Technologies; Hannl Record
Cleaners; Kubala-Sosna Research; Kuzma Turntables; Magnepan Inc, Muse
Electronics, Nola Speakers, Plinius Audio, Professional Home Cinema,
Soundsmith Corp, Theta Digital, Vandersteen Audio, YG Acoustics
Speakers and many more.

T.H.E. Show Denver will be "Open to the Trade" September 14 - 17,
enjoying the same hours as CEDIA. CEDIA attendees are invited and
your badge gets you in (registration is short and painless). Those
not attending CEDIA, but wanting to visit T.H.E. Show, have merely to
present proof of being in the high-end industry… usually a
valid business card will suffice. For more information check out
T.H.E. Show Denver website at http://www.theshowdenver.com

Some of the equipment on display at T.H.E. Show has never been seen
or demonstrated at any show, anywhere. Experience the debut of
professional high-end amplifiers and loudspeaker systems before they
are even in the marketplace.



*Denver One Exhibit Room *

Conrad-Johnson, in collaboration with Magnepan, will be exhibiting a
music lover's surround sound system featuring conrad-johnson's unique
MET1 6-channel analogue preamplifier and their new 5-channel MET150
enhanced triode power amplifier. The MET150 employs a vacuum-tube
voltage gain stage, making it a rare breed among multi-channel
amplifiers. The MET150 will be driving Magneplanar 20.1s for L/R
channels, 3.6s for surround channels and Magnepan's new CCR reference
center channel speakers. Source will be a McCormack Audio UDP1,
conrad-johnson edition. An Industry Highlight for those "in the
know": Magnepan is demonstrating Harry Pearson's "Super Maggie"
system. One change from Harry's system - the center channel speaker
is the long awaited CCR (center speaker designed for the 20.1 and
3.6). Home theater surround-sound the way it should be.

*Colorado Three Exhibit Room *

Magnepan teams up with Theta Digital in this suite, introducing a
"life style" automated ribbon speaker system. Hung on a wall like a
picture, this attractively designed speaker system hides its true
identity until the remote is triggered.

*Denver Three Exhibit Room *

Professional Home Cinema of Huntington Beach, CA will debut its
system of professional-grade amplifiers and loudspeaker systems. The
DPA Series digital amplifier/processors combine high-power digital
amplification with 24-bit/96kHz DSP for loudspeaker specific
processing including driver filtering, high-resolution frequency
response shaping and time alignment. Each PHC loudspeaker employs
professional-grade loudspeaker components, including high-power
woofers, compression drivers and high frequency horns. PHC home
cinema products deliver the explosive dynamics experienced in
commercial cinemas, with the sonic accuracy of high-end,
high-fidelity audio. Truly a unique high end cinema experience, not
available within the constraints of pedestrian exhibiting.

*Colorado One Exhibit Room *

The Soundsmith Corporation will be introducing the following
products: 4 models of loudspeakers (Monarch, Dragonfly, Mantis 200
and Mantis 300); The Strain Gauge Phono Cartiridge/full function
Preamp system SG-810; The HE2006 300 w/ch modular MOSFET amplifier;
their new speaker stands; the "Versa-Stands"; 8 models of ultra low
moving mass "Moving Iron" phono cartridges; The CDT-4 diagnostic tool
for testing intermittents audio gear and systems, and 3 models of
Phono preamps. Soundsmith will be using Cardas cable and playing some
of our classic B&O and Tandberg restored gear with the Soundsmith
phono cartridges. This collection is not to be missed by any true

*Denver Five Exhibit Room *

An exciting new entry to T.H.E. Show's impressive cadre of superior
high-end companies: YG Acoustics and Delta Sigma will be exhibiting
their respective top-of-the-line products. Combined, it's an
astonishing system worth more than $200,000! In addition, YG
Acoustics will provide a sneak-preview of its upcoming Kipod
loudspeaker line, by invitation only. If you wish to receive an
invitation to this unique demonstration, please contact

All of these fine and exclusive high-end displays will be open to the
trade at the Denver Athletic Club, Sept 14 - 17, 2006. It is another
jewel in the fine art of high-end audio and home theater displays,
expanding upon the success of T.H.E. Show Las Vegas. Still in
January. Still at the St Tropez. Still the highest of all the
high-end available.

The Home Entertainment Show, Las Vegas and Denver
or, contact us at (702) 242-4545
Richard Beers, President

This email was sent to you because you subscribed directly from our web
site http://www.theshowlasvegas.com or http://www.theshowdenver.com or
because you left us your business card when attending The Home
Entertainment Show in Las Vegas or Indianapolis.
Zadnjič spremenil kuzma2, dne Pe Sep 15, 2006 2:40 pm, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.
Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Pe Sep 15, 2006 12:18 pm

London Show 22-24 Sep. UK Audiofreaks bo predstavil:


Istočasno 23-24 Sep, je tudi sejem v Kopenhagnu- Danska.

Škoda, ker je isti termin. Toda vsekakor je London večji in bolj pomembnejši avdio sejem.
Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » To Sep 26, 2006 8:08 am

Za tiste ,ki boste v Denverju -Colorado- USA v času 20-22. Oktobra 2006 obiščite:

Rocky Mounting Audio Fest:

evo link: pod K je neki poznani razstavljalec:

Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » To Sep 26, 2006 8:17 am

za tiste, ki boste v Rimu 28-29. Oktobra:

Rome HI- END:

Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm

OdgovorNapisal/-a kuzma2 » Po Okt 02, 2006 5:43 pm

Tokyo International Audio Show 2006 20- 22 Oct. 2006

V postavitvi Zanden sistema(phono- CD- pred-mono bloki 85W) bo kot analogni izvor uporabljen Kuzma Stabi XL in Air line ročica. Za odj. dozo ter zvočnike zvem kmalu.
Prispevkov: 1707
Pridružen: Pe Mar 11, 2005 3:22 pm


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