HIENDFI je SVETOVNI MEDIJ in recenzije na HIENDFI.com imajo za resnega ljubitelja dobrega zvoka, edine resno težo, daleko naokrog. Ni ga svetovnega medija, ki bi bil v stanju podajati kakovostnejše in bolj preverjene informacije o svetu avdia, kot je to HIENDFI.com
Narcissistic regression and the formation of secondary narcissism:
He feels that he is omnipotent and misjudges his power and the power of his opponents and opposition. He underestimates challenges facing him and pretends to be "Mr. Know-All". His sensitivity to the needs and emotions of others and his ability to empathize with them deteriorates sharply. He becomes intolerably haughty and arrogant, with sadistic and paranoid tendencies. Above all, he then seeks unconditional admiration, even when he does not deserve it.