Saj to ni kemija- to je že magija. No poslal bom vzorec kabla v Anglijo, kjer bodi kabel tretirali tri dni skupaj- pa bomo lahko podali bolj to?no mnenje o razlikah.
Evo kako se sre?ujejo avdiofili v Los Angelesu oz. vabilo kaj in kje se bo nekaj dogajalo:
John Casler
Joined: 27 Dec 2002
Posts: 2864
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:19 am This Sundays LAOCAS meeting $50,000 Nola Pegasus
Dear Members and Friends:
THIS SUNDAY: A Stellar Afternoon at Classic Records in Hollywood! Sunday, 2-5pm, April 23rd! If you call yourself an Audiophile, you'll be there!!
***Meet renowned Master Tape Expert and Chief Consultant to Classic Records, Leonard Horowitz! Len will tell us the secrets of getting the maximum musical information off revered master tapes. Hear Lifetime Member Scot Markwell introduce the extraordinary Nola Pegasus Reference Loudspeakers. Enjoy conversing with the always convivial Michael Hobson as he brings us the cutting edge in music for the home.
***Third Annual Classic Records' Silent Auction to benefit the Society with rare Classic Records test pressings and more!
*** Big Discounts galore on your favorite Classic Records' goodies, LPs and Digital Disks!
***Plus See and Hear the Fantastic $50,000 Nola Pegasus Reference Loudspeakers powered to the State of the Art with the top Plinius Electronics and Antique Sound Labs Hurricane Amplifiers!!! Top vinyl playback on Kuzma Turntables, too! Listen, shop, enjoy, converse, learn, eat...ALWAYS an Event at Classic Records!!! Sunday, April 23, 2-5pm. Hosted by the World Renowned Michael Hobson and Scot Markwell! 1-800-457-2577 Ext.22 for Scot Markwell
***Guests and new members most welcome!
***Lunch served! Plenty of * parking on the street!
Classic Records 1027 N Orange Dr Hollywood, CA 90038
I-5 North or I-5 South towards Los Angeles,
then take the 101 North towards the LA Civic Center (7.8 Miles)
then take the CA-2(Santa Monica Blvd) exit towards Western Avenue (0.2 Miles)
then turn LEFT(West) on Santa Monica Blvd (2 Miles)
then turn LEFT(South) on North Orange Drive (0.1 Miles) – then park!
Also may take the 101 to Santa Monica Blvd and head West (2 Miles), then LEFT on North Orange Drive (0.1 Miles).
Warmest regards and see you Sunday,
Bob Levi
Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society Goto:
America's Premier Audio Society 714-281-5850 for all Society Info!
John Casler
888-202-3126 (order desk)
Reference System
PS: skoraj tako kot pri Igorju ali pri meni!